2024/06/05 – Antonio Martinez Sánchez

Antonio Martinez Sánchez
Professor in Computer Sciences, University of Murcia, Spain

Date and time: June 5th, 2024 Wednesday, at 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 3pm BST / 5pm CEST / 11pm China

For the zoom links, please join the One World Cryo-EM mailing list.

Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation for Template Matching with Rotations

Object detection is a main task in computer vision. Template matching is the reference method for detecting objects with arbitrary templates. However, template matching computational complexity depends on the rotation accuracy, being a limiting factor for large 3D images (tomograms). 

Here, we implement a new algorithm called tensorial template matching, based on a mathematical framework that represents all rotations of a template with a tensor field. Contrary to standard template matching, the computational complexity of the presented algorithm is independent of the rotation accuracy.

Using both, synthetic and real data from cryo-electron tomography, we demonstrate that tensorial template matching is much faster than template matching and has the potential to improve its accuracy.

2021/09/21 Grant Jensen

Jensen, Grant

Grant Jensen

Dean, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Brigham Young University

Professor of Biology and Biophysics
California Institute of Technology

Date and time: September 29th, 2021
Wednesday, at 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST / 11pm China

For the zoom and gather.town links, please join the One World Cryo-EM mailing list.

Montage tomography of cryo-preserved specimens

Ariana Peck, Stephen D. Carter, Huanghao Mai, Songye Chen, Alister Burt, and Grant J. Jensen

Cryo-electron tomography reveals detailed views of macromolecules in situ, but the fields of view can be quite limited. Decades ago, montage tomography methods were developed to large areas of plastic sections, which are less radiation-sensitive than samples in vitreous ice. The dose sensitivity of vitreous samples has been considered prohibitive to montaging approaches, since portions of the sample must be exposed multiple times to allow image stitching. Taking advantage of several technical advances, we have now developed a montage data collection scheme that distributes the extra dose evenly throughout the specimen. We applied this method to image the thin edge of frozen-hydrated HeLa cells, and show that macromolecular details can be resolved across montage tomograms several microns across. Montage cryo-ET could be especially useful for imaging lamellae.